Video Improv Workshops!

Video Improv is a challenging creative team sport that is fun to play and fun to watch.

Imagine having video improv teams in high schools, towns and villages across Nova Scotia and beyond. Think about learning this sport and coaching a team in your community.
You can do all activities with your home video camera or video equipped smart phone. There are different kinds of Movie Games for Video Improv teams to play. Learn more HERE

Workshops are scheduled for Canning, Shelburne and Kentville. Please write if you would like to arrange a workshop in your community. Click WRITE

Canning Library, Saturday, July 25, 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Osprey Arts Centre, Shelburne Film Camp, Tuesday, July 20. Call 902-875-2359 to learn more.
Read this article in the Shelburne County Coast Guard… READ